Access and Errors Settings


Settings for adding custom error handler pages and access restrictions, including directory browsing and IP address restrictions.


Settings for configuring access and error pages are found in Access and Errors. Access settings allow you to enable or disable directory browsing as well as create IP restrictions which can be used to explicitly allow or deny access to applications served by the Application Server to specific IP addresses.

Error settings control how the Application Server should handle errors Custom HTTP error pages to show when the server sends a 40x or 50x error to the client can be specified here.

Access and Errors settings tab
Enable Directory Browsing

Show the contents of a directory if it does not include a default page. Default pages are specified on the General tab.

IP Restrictions

Configure restrictions to explicitly allow or deny access to the server by IP address. You must specify each IP address. Wild cards and ranges are not supported.


Enable or disable IP address restrictions.


Choose whether to allow or deny access to the server by clients with the specified IP addresses.

IP Addresses

The list of IP address to Allow or Deny.


Configure custom error pages and additional content to include on error pages generated by the Application Server.

Include server signature on error pages

Toggles whether or not to include the server's standard signature on error messages sent back to clients. Below is an example of an error page with the server signature highlighted.

Error Pages

Specify the page to display for a specified HTTP error code. The page can be an .a5w or .html page. See explanation below.

It is recommended that all IP address filtering is done using an external firewall. Filtering IP addresses using the Application Server can decrease application performance.

Adding Custom Error Pages

The Alpha Anywhere Application Server automatically generates error pages when an 4XX or 5XX error occurs. The page generated by Alpha Anywhere is not pretty and may not provide any useful information for your users. Custom error pages can be added to provide better explanations for users about the error message and provide additional information about what they can do to get help or redirect them back to the main page of your site.

Custom error pages can be defined as .HTML or .A5W pages. To add a custom error page...

  1. Create your custom .HTML or .A5W error page.

  2. Upload your custom error page to the server webroot. The page can be saved anywhere on the server running the Alpha Anywhere Classic Application Server.

  3. Click the Browse button for the error code that you wish to assign a custom error page. Most 4XX and 5XX errors are available.

  4. Select the custom error page.

  5. Repeat for every error page you wish to customize.

  6. Save your changes and restart the server.

See Also